- Bow Hill Blueberries; Value-added blueberry products (jam, juice, pickled, dried); bowhillblueberries.com. Order online for home delivery
- Collins Family Orchards; Tree fruit (currently apples & limited pears); collinsfamilyorchards.com/csa. Order online for home delivery on Thursdays & Fridays; $40 minimum order. 20lb case for $40 or 40 lb seconds for $40
- Cyrus Saffron; Saffron & barberries; cyrussaffron.com. Order online for home delivery
- Farmhouse Organics; Assorted row crops; farmhouseorganics.com/csa. Support today + sign up for a CSA. Starts in May.
- Foraged and Found Edibles; Wild harvested berries & greens, wild mushrooms; foragedandfoundedibles.com/shop-georgetown-storefront-pickup. Visit the store. Please preorder if possible; 950 S. Myrtle St., Seattle. Entrance on Flora St.
- Kirsop Farm; Assorted row crops, chicken, eggs, pork, lamb, stock, sheeps wool products; kirsopfarm.com/contact
- Little Big Farm; Assorted row crops; littlebigcsa.com/csa. Support today + sign up for a CSA. 8 week spring salad for April/May. Drop sites in West Seattle, Queen Anne, and Olympia
- Rockridge Orchards; Sweet & hard cider, vinegars, orchard fruit. Visit the farm store, 40709 264th Ave. S.E., Enumclaw, WA 98022; 360-825-1962
- Nash's Organic Produce; Row crops, grains (flour, oats, etc.) pork, eggs. Visit the farm store; 1865 E. Anderson Rd., Sequim, WA 98382
- River Run Farm; Assorted row crops; riverrun.farm/signup. Visit the farm stand or support today + sign up for a CSA; 2800 Woodcock Rd., Sequim, WA 98382
- Tonnemaker Family Orchard; Assorted row crops, tree fruit, value-added: dried peppers, dried fruit; tonnemaker.com/csa.html. Support today + sign up for the CSA